Title 49-
The inspiration behind our name: Show and Display
Title 49 of the U.S. Code deals with transportation; specifically Part 591 addresses import of vehicles and equipment that must meet U.S. safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards.
The ‘Show or Display’ amendment came into effect in 1999 after a ban was placed on unrestricted private import of vehicles in 1968 and grey market vehicle import in 1988.
The "Show or Display" rule is a statutory amendment to the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards that allows certain automobiles to be exempted should the vehicle be deemed to meet a standard of 'historical or technological significance.'
Allow's the import of significant vehicles never sold in the U.S.prior to them reaching 25 years of age.
Bill Gates' Porsche 959 was released after the law passed on 13 August 1999. The 'contraband' car was stored for 13 years by the Customs Service in the Port of San Francisco.
For an updated list of vehicles approved under the ‘Show or Display’ law click below: